Naturopathic Health, Budapest, VI. kerület (Natural therapy) 2 clinics' services (11 Naturopathic doctor, 11 Acupuncturist, 11 Homeopathic doctor, 11 Kinesiologist)
Description, questions
Medical diagnostics give more accurate answers, but usually only for a particular area, organ, and when the disease is already visible traces. The naturopathic condition surveys already indicate the onset of pathological processes long before symptoms of the disease, which leads to the development of the disease.
Napfényes Gyógyközpont
Dermatologist Dentist Naturopathic doctor Allergist Acupuncturist Orthodontist Geneticist Homeopathic doctor Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon Kinesiologist
1066 Budapest, Teréz körút 46.