Dentistry, Budapest, VI. kerület 17 clinic (84 Dentist, 83 Orthodontist, 82 Dental technician, 82 Dental assistant, 82 Oral surgeon)
Description, questionsFurrow, Budapest, VI. kerület
The most dangerous, the most common and destroying the tooth decay as soon as the chewing surface barázdaszuvasodás. After the teeth will change very immature, they do not contain enough calcium and more vulnerable to bacteria. Most of the remaining teeth 1-2 years will change after the decay of the highest degree.
Orthodontics, Budapest, VI. kerület
The purpose of orthodontics beyond the creation of beautiful and aesthetically pleasing smile is that the teeth to function properly, the patient is able to chew, swallow, speak clearly. During orthodontic treatment fogtorlódások abnormal situation of the teeth inclined, gaps between the teeth and the jaws, which are both important role good bite and the clean speech achieve. The most common types: fixed (external), internal (invisible lingual) and removed (at night).
Tooth Extraction, Budapest, VI. kerület
When a tooth must be removed for any reason, to be, in general, to grasp the crown handle and thus pulled out. When it is impracticable, it has been categorized as oral surgery. In all cases, the surgery is done through word of mouth tooth extraction, or when the question is will the bone under the gums.
Dental Fillings, Budapest, VI. kerület
Tooth filling process used very often during dental treatments, so it was inevitable that extend to this area of cosmetic dentistry technology. It is now possible aesthetic tooth filling application that will give back the original look of the color and shape of a completely natural way.
To Insert The Implant, Implant, Budapest, VI. kerület
A dental implant is easiest to imagine such an artificial dental root that a dentist implanted into the jawbone. It ossification after (at least 3 months), bridge, crown or artificial teeth fixed. This process can take over the function of the entire implant restorations prepared.
Tooth Whitening, Budapest, VI. kerület
The bleaching systems known in many forms. Household: placing a splint on the teeth, which is used with a bleaching agent. The rail may fit teeth, individual or general. Order Accounting: In this case, in addition to proper isolation tend to use a special whitening lamp is applied to the surface of teeth to activate the gel that achieves quick results. Hybrid: A combination of surgery and home, which thus makes the treatment less expensive. Interior: One-on-one, mostly in root canal treated tooth bleaching.
Inlay Insertion, Removal, Budapest, VI. kerület
The dental jargon, inlay or onlay name regards the kind of tooth filling type, which can not be converted to a dentist immediately after the surgery to be boring, but on the basis of the dental technician prepares impression. The tiny prosthetic tooth fillings finished shaped piece the next time will be glued to the clinic.
Dentures, Budapest, VI. kerület
Traditional dental practice has been a lack of will compensate by using bridges. The hídkészítés or just slightly crowded teeth to be ground, and in many cases animals crowns. More frequent and legitimate needs of patients to replace their missing teeth without the adjacent healthy teeth grinding. In the case of the missing teeth on using modern materials and technologies this is now possible.